7/25/22 Customers of the Groton Water Department are under an Emergency Water Ban for all outside lawn watering until further notice.
“All irrigation systems and lawn watering must be turned off”
The Department of Environmental Protection has issued a Level 3 “Critical Drought Warning” for Middlesex County which includes Groton MA.
Due to the lack of precipitation this past Winter and Spring and heavy pumping demands being placed on the water supply system, the Groton Water Department is sending out the updated Water Restrictions which take effect immediately.
All outside lawn irrigation is prohibited until further notice.
Please turn your irrigation systems off.
Watering of trees and shrubs with hand held hoses is acceptable.
If you have any questions with the Water Conservation Program, please call the Groton Water Department at 978-448-1122
Thank you

The Board of Water Commissioners voted on April 25th, 2017 to institute a Mandatory Odd/Even Outside Water Conservation Program for all of its customers for the period beginning May 1st through September 30th each year.
Please note that this is a mandatory program and that additional outside watering restrictions may be imposed as conditions require.
Street Address | Watering Days | Watering Times |
Odd numbered houses | From May through September, outside watering is allowed only on Tuesday through Sunday on odd-numbered calendar days. | Outside watering allowed from Midnight to 9AM and from 6PM to 9PM. |
Even numbered houses | From May through September, outside watering is allowed only on Tuesday through Sunday on even-numbered calendar days. |
All outside watering on Mondays is prohibited to everyone.
In addition, all irrigation systems must be retrofitted with a moisture sensor.
Please do not call the Police Department if you observe people who are not in compliance with this program. Please call the Water Department or simply ask them if they are aware of the Water Conservation Program that is in effect.